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(WAKE-UP) MRI-Guided Thrombolysis for Stroke with Unknown Time of Onset _____ A multicenter RCT assigning patients with unknown time of stroke onset to tPA or placebo after obtaining an MRI demonstrating an ischemic lesion on DWI without such lesion on FLAIR, finding significantly improved 90-day functional outcomes in the tPA group | LINK |
(EXTEND) Thrombolysis Guided by Perfusion Imaging up to 9 Hours after Onset of Stroke _____ A multicenter RCT assigning patients with ischemic stroke and LKW of 4.5-9 hours to tPA or placebo after identification of hypoperfused but salvageable tissue on perfusion imaging. The trial did show a significantly increased percentage of patients with no or minimal functional impairment in the tPA arm, but was stopped early due to loss of equipoise following publication of the WAKE-UP trial | LINK |